Status das comissões: ABERTAS

Commission status: OPEN

COMMISSION SHEET✦ All these are starting prices, it may change due complexity. Please read my TOS before ordering your commission.✦ I reserve my Gmail, Discord and twitter for clients, feel free to contact me.Click on the images for zoom in!

Examples of sketchs

Examples of base colors

Examples of complete art

Click here for more examples!


SketchBust: 25 USD
Halfbody: 40 USD
Fullbody: 60 USD
Base ColorBust: 40 USD
Halfbody: 60 USD
Fullbody: 80 USD
CompleteBust: 50 USD
Halfbody: 90 USD
Fullbody: 140 USD
✦ 1 or 2 solid colors for the background, simple stamps or gradients for free.
✦ +35% for elaborate lights or simple background, +45% for complex background, +50% per extra character or animal.